Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Bentley Advanced Map Finishing Print Dialog

Used to control the production of a print file by allowing you to set all relevant options.

Opens from the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing pull-down menu or by clicking the Print button in the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing Toolbox.


Stores all information relevant to aBentley Advanced Map Finishing Print job. This new Bentley Advanced Map Finishing V8i feature is useful when using multiple plotters, because loading the settings of another plotter can be done by choosing a different profile. New Profiles can be created by clicking the Advanced button. See Advanced Options dialog.


Saves the current profile automatically when theBentley Advanced Map Finishing Print dialog is closed.

Print From

Restricts the print to only the contents visible in a particular view. All views are listed but only available (open) views are enabled.

When in a 3D DGN, normal MicroStation rendering types can be selected for output. This pull-down list is not available when working in a d DGN.


Lists all printers relevant to Bentley Advanced Map Finishing: MAPscript Queues, Windows Printers, Bentley Advanced Map Finishing Named Outputs. This list is configured automatically. If a PostScript print is sent to a non-PostScript device, a warning message displays.

Print to File

Prints the output to a file rather than paper.

Output Format

Selects the type of output. Choose from PostScript, EPS or PDF.


Specifies the number of copies to print.

Paper Options

Specifies paper-size. New paper descriptions can be created on the Advanced Options dialog.

Auto Rotate & Fit

Rotates and fits image to the specified paper settings. When off, scale and rotation can be changed using the Scale and Rotate settings.


Centers image to the specified paper settings.


Represents how the image will be positioned on the paper. The blue box represents the perimeter of the image and the red arrow points in the direction of its orientation.


Sets the scale per the desired measurement units. This setting is unavailable if Auto Rotate & Fit is on. The larger the Scale value, the smaller the printed image. The scale is read as 1:2.00, meaning 2 meters of image per millimeter of paper. Scale can also be adjusted by clicking the Calc button.


Rotates the image per the angle specified. This setting is unavailable if Auto Rotate & Fit is on. Rotation can either be a +ve or -ve value. +ve rotations are considered counter-clockwise.

If the image is not rotated (Rotate = 0.00), the red arrow points upwards. A 90 degree rotation directs the arrow towards the left (counter-clockwise).

Lock Angle

Locks the Rotate angle to prevent it from being changed by a Fit. To find the optimal paper-saving placement of the image, turn off Lock Angle.


Fits the image to the page. This is a temporary alternative to using Auto Rotate & Fit.


Represents the overall dimensions of the image (the area bounded by the blue box).


Allows scaling to be set based on other variables. See Calculate Scale dialog.


See Advanced Options dialog.

Save Fence

Saves the fence contents if one is placed.

Save PPF

Saves (overwrites) the current profile with selected options. Profiles can also be created and deleted via the Advanced button.

See Print Parameter Filters dialog.


Starts printing with the specified settings.


Closes the dialog.